Remote-Url: Retrieved-at: 2021-11-06 21:25:59.046992+00:00 Fork me on GitHub The Logfile Navigator [ ] DownloadsFeaturesDocsChangeBlog Screenshot of lnav An advanced log file viewer for the small-scale Watch and analyze your log files from a terminal. No server. No setup. Still featureful. In Your Terminal Many logging tools, like Splunk, provide great features but are optimized for large-scale deployments. They require installing and configuring servers before they can be effectively used. There is still a need for a robust log file analyzer for the terminal. Easy to Use Just point lnav to a directory and it will take care of the rest. File formats are automatically detected and compressed files are unpacked on the fly. Improved Presentation Log files are a wealth of information, lnav can help highlight the parts that are important and filter out the noise. The Logfile Navigator * The Logfile Navigator * * tstack/lnav * lnavapp The Logfile Navigator, lnav for short, is an advanced log file viewer for the small-scale.