Remote-Url: Retrieved-at: 2021-11-13 13:27:42.052187+00:00 Hurl is a command line tool that runsHTTP requestsdefined in a simpleplain text format.It can perform requests, capture values and evaluate queries on headers and body response. Hurl is very versatile: it can be used for bothfetching dataandtesting HTTPsessions.GEThttps://example.netHTTP/1.1200csrf_token:xpath"string(//meta[@name='_csrf_token']/@content)"POST{{csrf_token}}HTTP/1.1302Chaining multiple requests is easy:GET can run HTTP requests but can also be used totest HTTP responses. Different types of queries and predicates are supported, fromXPathandJSONPathon body response, to assert on status code and response headers.It is well adapted forREST / JSON apisPOST{"id": "456","evaluate": true}HTTP/1.1200jsonpath"$.status"=="RUNNING"jsonpath"$.tests"count==25HTML contentGEThttps://example.netHTTP/1.1200xpath"normalize-space(//head/title)"=="Hello world!"and even SOAP apisPOST; charset=utf-8SOAPAction:""GOOGHTTP/1.1200Hurl can also be used to test HTTP endpoints performances:GET<1000And responses bytes contentGET,039058c6f2c0cb492c533b0a4d14ef77cc0f78abccced5287d84a1a2011cfb81;Text FormatFor both devops and developersFast CLIA command line for local dev and continuous integrationSingle BinaryEasy to install, with no runtime requiredHurl is a lightweight binary written inRust. Under the hood, Hurl HTTP engine is powered bylibcurl, one of the most powerful and reliable file transfer library. With its text file format, Hurl adds syntactic sugar to run and tests HTTP requests, but it’s still thecurlthat we love.Hurl is still in beta, anyfeedback, suggestion, bugs or improvementsare welcome.POST{"name": "John Doe","feedback": "Hurl is awesome !"}HTTP/1.1200LicenseDocumentationGitHub