Remote-Url: Retrieved-at: 2022-01-21 15:30:08.245655+00:00 Hello,Let me bring up another small proposal I picked up from previous twitterreply, and see what you all think.The URL shortcut. The intent is here primarily to save keystrokes for commonlyrepeated URLs for users doing repeated curl command lines with variations.(Again a thing for the command line tool only.)A "URL" that starts with colon (thereby not being a URL at all so the commandline parser can easily catch when this happens), implies a "http://localhost"prefix. Like this:$ curl :80/$ curl :8080/index.html$ curl :/search.cgi?q=crazyThe difference from hacks like where you use 0 as in "curl 0:80/", the 0 thingis IPv4-only and it doesn't pass on the hostname. Also, we don't reallydocument the 0 trick anywhere, where as the colon-thing would be a supportedfeatures.Since this would introduce this idea of a shortcut that isn't really a URLwhen input but gets translated into one when used, it would open up theopportunity to do *other* shortcuts or URL trickeries on the command line. Ican't say that I have managed to come up with any suitable additionalalternatives.-- / | Commercial curl support up to 24x7 is available! | Private help, bug fixes, support, ports, new features | Unsubscribe: on2022-01-21