Remote-Url: Retrieved-at: 2022-01-29 18:32:29.532263+00:00 ? Usually more extended thoughts by Michael Camilleri. Read how to use this blog. TLDR Instructions on how to use parser expression grammars in Janet. How?To: Using PEGs in Janet 19 September 2020 Revision History Janet is a small, Lisp-like language. Unlike most programming languages, it offers no support for regular expressions. Instead, Janet supports parser expression grammars, or PEGs. A PEG in Janet is usually described by an associative data structure that lists a series of rules.^1 For each rule, the key is the name of the rule and the value is a description of the string that the rule will match. What makes PEGs especially powerful is the ability for rules to refer to other rules (including recursive references) and for rules to run arbitrary functions. Let?s see how we can use a PEG to parse a simplified subset of HTML. We?ll use sequences, choices, captures (both compiled and match-time), replacements, drops and back-references. It?s going to be fun.^2 Steps Step 1. Define :main rule Janet begins parsing using the :main rule. So let?s start with that: '{:main (* :tagged -1)} This rule defines a pattern consisting of a sequence (represented by *)^3 of the rule :tagged and the value -1. This rule will match if the rule :tagged matches and then the string ends (the value -1 matches if we are at the end of the string). Step 2. Define :tagged rule Now if we try to use this grammar, Janet will complain that the rule :tagged is not defined so let?s define that next: '{:main (* :tagged -1) :tagged (* :open-tag :value :close-tag)} This is pretty straightforward. Our :tagged rule consists of an opening tag, a value of some kind and a closing tag. Step 3. Define :open-tag rule '{:main (* :tagged -1) :tagged (* :open-tag :value :close-tag) :open-tag (* "<" (capture :w+ :tag-name) ">")} We name the capture so that we can use a reference to it in our closing tag rule. I went with :tag-name but you can choose whatever you like. Step 4. Define :close-tag rule Up to this point, we?ve been adding rules in the order that they?re processed. Let?s deviate from that here and instead define our next rule to match closing tags: ~{:main (* :tagged -1) :tagged (* :open-tag :value :close-tag) :open-tag (* "<" (capture :w+ :tag-name) ">") :close-tag (* "")} This rule can be a little difficult to follow. We?re doing a match-time capture ^4 here using the cmt function.^5 This will match if the result of the provided function (in this case, =) is truthy. If it is falsey, the match will fail. The = function is passed the values of any captures as separate arguments. We have two captures in our pattern: the back-reference to the :tag-name capture and the value matched by :w+. If the tag names match,^6 the :close-tag rule will match. The eagle-eyed amongst you might have noticed that the quoting character at the very beginning has changed from ' to ~. All but the simplest PEGs will include references to various functions sequence, capture, etc that are run by the PEG engine. To prevent these functions being called in our grammar definition, we need to quote our data structure. However, when it comes to passing the functions we want cmt to call, we need to pass a reference to these functions. The solution is quasi-quoting. We quasi-quote the data structure and then unquote the function symbol. Step 5. Define :value rule OK, now we?ll define the :value rule: ~{:main (* :tagged -1) :tagged (* :open-tag :value :close-tag) :open-tag (* "<" (capture :w+ :tag-name) ">") :value (any (+ :tagged :untagged)) :close-tag (* "")} The value in between two tags could be nothing, a tagged value, an untagged value or a combination of tagged and untagged values. We can match zero or more occurrences of the pattern using the any function. The + combinator^7 tries the first pattern (:tagged) and if that fails, tries the second pattern (:untagged). Step 6. Define :untagged rule Speaking of :untagged, this is the last named rule we need: ~{:main (* :tagged -1) :tagged (* :open-tag :value :close-tag) :open-tag (* "<" (capture :w+ :tag-name) ">") :value (any (+ :tagged :untagged)) :close-tag (* "") :untagged (some (if-not "<" 1))} This rule matches against one or more characters that are not <. Step 7. Drop back reference after use We have a problem at the moment. Our grammar won?t match nested tags because the :tag-name capture is never being removed from the capture stack. We can solve this problem using unref:^8 ~{:main (* :tagged -1) :tagged (unref (* :open-tag :value :close-tag)) :open-tag (* "<" (capture :w+ :tag-name) ">") :value (any (+ :tagged :untagged)) :close-tag (* "") :untagged (some (if-not "<" 1))} Now when we get to the end of a nested :tagged pattern, we?ll drop the captures. Step 8. Capture tag names and values The above is all well and good for checking if a string matches the grammar but it?s usually much more helpful to return some structured data. Let?s do that: ~{:main (* :tagged -1) :tagged (unref (replace (* :open-tag :value :close-tag) ,struct)) :open-tag (* (constant :tag) "<" (capture :w+ :tag-name) ">") :value (* (constant :value) (group (any (+ :tagged :untagged)))) :close-tag (drop (* "")) :untagged (capture (some (if-not "<" 1)))} There?s quite a bit going on here so let?s look at each rule in turn. 1. We?ve added a call to replace. This will pass the values captured to the function struct. We?ll see why in a second. 2. Next, in :open-tag, we?re pushing the value :tag onto the capture stack using constant. Because the call to constant is part of the sequence in this pattern, it only occurs if the entirety of the pattern matches. 3. We use a similar trick in :value. This time, instead of pushing :tag, we push :value. 4. Still in :value, we use group to collect all of the matches in the (any (+ :tagged :untagged)) pattern and put them inside an array that we push onto the capture stack. 5. Next, we?ve added a call to drop in :close-tag. This ensures that the value generated by the function = (i.e. true) is removed from the capture stack. 6. Finally, we need to capture the result of :untagged. We do this with capture. Now the call to struct hopefully makes sense. At the time this is called, the pattern always returns four captures: (1) :tag, (2) the tag name, (3) :value and (4) the tag?s value. These get pulled off the capture stack, turned into a struct and pushed back on. Bonus Step. Compile the grammar If we intend to use the grammar repeatedly, we can compile it for a performance boost: (peg/compile ~{:main (* :tagged -1) :tagged (unref (replace (* :open-tag :value :close-tag) ,struct)) :open-tag (* (constant :tag) "<" (capture :w+ :tag-name) ">") :value (* (constant :value) (group (any (+ :tagged :untagged)))) :close-tag (drop (* "")) :untagged (capture (some (if-not "<" 1)))}) Example Let?s see an example. Assuming this is our code: (def grammar (peg/compile ~{:main (* :tagged -1) :tagged (unref (replace (* :open-tag :value :close-tag) ,struct)) :open-tag (* (constant :tag) "<" (capture :w+ :tag-name) ">") :value (* (constant :value) (group (any (+ :tagged :untagged)))) :close-tag (drop (* "")) :untagged (capture (some (if-not "<" 1)))})) Then: (peg/match grammar "

Hello world!

") # => @[{:tag "p" # :value @[{:tag "em" :value @["Hello"]} # " " # {:tag "strong" :value @["world"]} # "!"]}] (peg/match grammar "Hello world!

") # => nil The second match returns nil because of the unmatched

. Neat! Wrap-Up Building support for PEGs directly into the language is one of Janet?s best decisions. They might take a bit of time to get the hang of, but when you do, you?ll be able to parse data in a way that?s considerably more powerful than with regular expressions. ? 1. It is possible to define a PEG using a string that contains a single (unnamed) rule but that?s not especially interesting so we?ll focus instead on the associative definition. ? 2. I have barely left my house in the past six months. ? 3. To make the other functions stand out, I?m using the alias * rather than sequence in this post. ? 4. I?m using a match-time capture so I can explain how those work but a better solution for this specific problem would be to use the backmatch function. If we did that, our rule could be (* ""). ? 5. Match-time captures are created using the cmt function. It?s unfortunate that this function looks like it?s related to commenting. Really, the cmt function is a way of dynamically adjusting a pattern using captures. ? 6. This comparison is case sensitive. If you want a case-insensitive match, you need a different function to =. ? 7. As with *, we are using the alias + rather than choice. ? 8. The unref combinator was added in v1.15.3. ? This post was written by Michael Camilleri, a person on the Internet. If you have any comments, please reach out on or Twitter. Original work placed in the public domain. All rights are disclaimed. Why?