Remote-Url: Retrieved-at: 2023-05-04 06:30:38.336965+00:00 Sol RobesonA collection of notes on Wisdom.The end of the cycle is that of the independent, clear-minded, all-seeing Child. That is the level known aswisdom.To be a philosopher is not merely to have subtle thoughts, but so to love wisdom as to live according to its dictates, a life ofsimplicity, independence, magnanimity, and trust.There are two wisdoms: the first inclines toaction, the second toinaction.Stanislaw Lem, Cyberiadafive ringsThink of what is right and true.Practice and cultivate the sciences.Become acquainted with the arts.Know the principles of the crafts.Understand the harm and benefit in every thing.Work to see every thing clearly.Pay attention to subtleties.Be careful even in small matters.Don't do anything useless.Gurdjieff's self-rememberingPut simply, one is to remember themselves as much as possible. A portion of your conscious action should be of being conscious of being conscious of being. Self-remembering and being-present are not the same, though abstractly they serve the same purpose. When one becomes overly emotional, overly attached, or identified with some idea of brand to the extent of a personal automatism, they have lost their self - they have forgotten themselves.When the Hyperpresent begins to attend to your reality, begins to barrage you with the minute and incessant comings-and-goings of modernity, do not let your self be pulled by that which you never asked for in the first place. Remember to self-remember. Remember yourself, focus on being. Whether or not there is an emotion, a thought, a presence, an analysis, there is still something observing, and that which is observing you should turn your attention towards.A collection of notes in regard to Action.Ahimsa, orCause no injury, do no harm, is a Buddhist concept referred to as nonviolence, and it applies to all living beings —including all animals. Also, the limits ofnon-violence.Be mindful of impermanence.Be careful of idleness.action wisdomControl of actions and speech to avoid unwholesome actions.Effort to work as much as possible for the good of others, even at the risk of one's life.Decision to devote oneself to beneficial actions and to remain steadfast on it.Maintaining a state of mind turned to the happiness of others, to practise love for all beings without exception.Development of knowledge and understanding through study and analytical reflection. To teach knowledge to others. To use one's wisdom for a maximum of benefits.You may compete to the full extent of your capabilities, but you may not hunt down your competitors.The creatures who act as though they belong to the world follow the peace-keeping law, they give the creatures around them a chance to grow toward watever it's possible for them to become. That's how man came into being, the australopithecus didn't imagine that the world belonged to them, so they let him live and grow.You must absolutely and forever relinquish the idea that you know who should live and who should die on this planet.A collection of notes in regard to Inaction.Wu Weimeans without doing, causing, or making. It flows like water, reflects like a mirror, and responds like an echo.Many people are afraid of Emptiness,because it reminds them of Loneliness.inaction wisdomEstablishment of an always perfect tolerance, irrespective of the actions and words of others towards oneself.Truthfulness (to say only what is right).Rejection of hatred and worship. Not to follow any particular idea. Maintaining the mind in equanimity.What is joy? Joy is the feeling of passing from a lesser to a greater perfection. Joy is the feeling that we are advancing towards happiness. What is happiness? Happiness is the state of the soul that feels itself free of all outside servitudes and feels itself in perfect accord with itself.When you don’t create things, you become defined by your tastes rather than ability. Your tastes only narrow and exclude people. so create.Why the Lucky Stiff