Remote-Url: Retrieved-at: 2021-08-20 22:26:05.834671+00:00 by epilyson2021-08-17TL;DRWhat?I wanted a way to semi-automate associating colors to topic tags stories posted on not any color?I was curious to see what was reasonable within this approach.What’s the approach?I had no idea about colorspaces or image processing before I started. My strategy would be to download the top results of a query using DuckDuckGo image search, calculate their dominant colors, and then calculate the overall dominant colors. Any suggestions/corrections are most welcome!Show me the result:OklabHSLRGB[‘0.45’, ‘-0.04’, ‘-0.06’][‘200.00’, ‘0.44’, ‘0.32’][‘46.00’, ‘92.00’, ‘120.00’]#2d5b76OklabHSLRGB[‘0.60’, ‘0.18’, ‘0.04’][‘350.00’, ‘0.66’, ‘0.54’][‘220.00’, ‘62.00’, ‘95.00’]#d73e5fOklabHSLRGB[‘0.56’, ‘-0.07’, ‘-0.05’][‘190.00’, ‘0.49’, ‘0.39’][‘51.00’, ‘130.00’, ‘150.00’]#338193OklabHSLRGB[‘0.45’, ‘-0.02’, ‘-0.16’][‘220.00’, ‘0.70’, ‘0.40’][‘30.00’, ‘79.00’, ‘180.00’]#1e4eafOklabHSLRGB[‘0.53’, ‘-0.08’, ‘0.03’][‘150.00’, ‘0.36’, ‘0.36’][‘59.00’, ‘120.00’, ‘89.00’]#3a7c59OklabHSLRGB[‘0.32’, ‘-0.00’, ‘-0.15’][‘230.00’, ‘0.70’, ‘0.29’][‘23.00’, ‘34.00’, ‘130.00’]#16217eOklabHSLRGB[‘0.76’, ‘-0.11’, ‘0.11’][‘93.00’, ‘0.49’, ‘0.56’][‘140.00’, ‘200.00’, ‘88.00’]#89c658OklabHSLRGB[‘0.77’, ‘0.05’, ‘0.11’][‘31.00’, ‘0.77’, ‘0.63’][‘230.00’, ‘160.00’, ‘86.00’]#e9a156Results for “programming”What’s a colorspace and what’s “Perceptually uniform”?Acolorspaceis basically a way to model colors to attributes. The well known RGB colorspace maps colors toRed,GreenandBlue.If that space has three attributes, we can view them as coordinates on a 3D space (Anynattributes can be viewed as ann-dimensional vector space). Then we define color distance as the usual Euclidean distance we use for tangible stuff in the real world.A uniformly perceptual colorspace aims to have the following identity: “identical spatial distance between two colors equals identical amount of perceived color difference”. The actual definitions of those terms can be found in color science books and research.Oklabis a perceptual color space designed by Björn Ottosson to make working with colors in image processing easier. After reading the introductory blog post, I wondered if I could apply it to finding dominant colors of an image.Oklab has three coordinates:Lperceived lightnessahow green/red the color isbhow blue/yellow the color isUniformly sampling the Oklab colorspace in 8 parts per coordinate.Uniformly sampling the Oklab colorspace in 16 parts per coordinate.Dominant colorsI guess we would take an image and average all colors. What would that produce?#d2c6b6Terrible. Obviously the approach can’t work with multiple colors apparent in a picture. If the picture was mostly one color it’d be somewhat useful:#94706fk-means clusteringFrom signal processing comes this dazzling technique: Given a set of colorsc, partition them tokbuckets as follows:Initially assignkaverage colors somehow. You can pick them randomly for example. We will incrementally improve on those averages to arrive to acentroidcolor, or the mean (average) color of a cluster.Assign every colorcto the average closest to itmκby calculating Euclidean distances to eachm.Recalculatemκas the average of the updated clusterκ.Repeat until assignments are the same as the previous step; we’ve reached convergence which is not necessarily correct/optimal.Since we will use a perceptually uniform colorspace, we expect each cluster to be perceivably close to the actual colors it contains.And since we will be working with lots of sample images, we can calculate the overall dominant colors by putting all the colors together.ImplementationTo visualize the results, I chose to calculate the dominant colors for each image, then calculate the overall dominant colors from those.I also uniformly split the Oklab colorspace into colors and clustered all the dominant colors again, in order to see the difference of the calculated dominant colors and the uniformly sampled ones:Uniformly partitioning dominant colors.The image results for most queries are stock photos or text, hence there is a lot of black and white. We can deduce how black or greyscale looking is a color by looking at its coordinates. In Oklab, thea,bcoordinates will be close to zero. InHSL(Hue-Saturation-Lightness) a lowLvalue means the color is close to black. We can discard such colors by checking those values.ResultsSearching for non abstract things such as fruits returns pictures of the things themselves so we get good results:OklabHSLRGB[‘0.74’, ‘-0.01’, ‘0.12’][‘48.00’, ‘0.52’, ‘0.52’][‘200.00’, ‘170.00’, ‘70.00’]#c4ab46OklabHSLRGB[‘0.38’, ‘-0.02’, ‘0.05’][‘59.00’, ‘0.38’, ‘0.20’][‘70.00’, ‘69.00’, ‘31.00’]#46451fOklabHSLRGB[‘0.89’, ‘-0.04’, ‘0.12’][‘60.00’, ‘0.63’, ‘0.69’][‘230.00’, ‘230.00’, ‘130.00’]#e1e27fOklabHSLRGB[‘0.22’, ‘-0.00’, ‘0.02’][‘49.00’, ‘0.39’, ‘0.08’][‘29.00’, ‘26.00’, ‘13.00’]#1c190cOklabHSLRGB[‘0.62’, ‘-0.00’, ‘0.10’][‘46.00’, ‘0.51’, ‘0.41’][‘160.00’, ‘130.00’, ‘51.00’]#9d8433OklabHSLRGB[‘0.52’, ‘0.00’, ‘0.08’][‘42.00’, ‘0.42’, ‘0.34’][‘120.00’, ‘100.00’, ‘51.00’]#7c6732Results for “banana” (is that an impostor?)Searching forpharmaceuticalsreturns lots of pictures of colorful pills:OklabHSLRGB[‘0.59’, ‘-0.04’, ‘-0.08’][‘210.00’, ‘0.39’, ‘0.49’][‘77.00’, ‘130.00’, ‘170.00’]#4d81aeOklabHSLRGB[‘0.45’, ‘-0.01’, ‘-0.01’][‘190.00’, ‘0.08’, ‘0.33’][‘78.00’, ‘88.00’, ‘91.00’]#4d585aOklabHSLRGB[‘0.43’, ‘-0.02’, ‘-0.15’][‘220.00’, ‘0.66’, ‘0.37’][‘33.00’, ‘72.00’, ‘160.00’]#20479dOklabHSLRGB[‘0.84’, ‘-0.02’, ‘-0.05’][‘210.00’, ‘0.59’, ‘0.81’][‘180.00’, ‘210.00’, ‘230.00’]#b1cfeaOklabHSLRGB[‘0.54’, ‘0.15’, ‘0.07’][‘360.00’, ‘0.50’, ‘0.49’][‘190.00’, ‘61.00’, ‘62.00’]#ba3d3eOklabHSLRGB[‘0.58’, ‘-0.10’, ‘0.05’][‘140.00’, ‘0.36’, ‘0.40’][‘66.00’, ‘140.00’, ‘88.00’]#418b58Results for “pharmaceuticals”Searching forethicsreturns pictures of signs that point to stuff such as “Right” and “Wrong” and “Principles”:OklabHSLRGB[‘0.74’, ‘-0.07’, ‘0.11’][‘79.00’, ‘0.40’, ‘0.53’][‘150.00’, ‘180.00’, ‘88.00’]#99b757OklabHSLRGB[‘0.71’, ‘-0.04’, ‘-0.06’][‘200.00’, ‘0.43’, ‘0.62’][‘120.00’, ‘170.00’, ‘200.00’]#76a6c8OklabHSLRGB[‘0.95’, ‘-0.00’, ‘0.01’][‘64.00’, ‘0.16’, ‘0.92’][‘240.00’, ‘240.00’, ‘230.00’]#edede6OklabHSLRGB[‘0.68’, ‘0.02’, ‘0.02’][‘20.00’, ‘0.17’, ‘0.60’][‘170.00’, ‘150.00’, ‘140.00’]#a99387Results for “ethics”Searching fordesignreturns a boring sea of brown and beige thanks to interior design trends:OklabHSLRGB[‘0.64’, <‘0.01’, ‘0.02’][‘34.00’, ‘0.10’, ‘0.53’][‘150.00’, ‘140.00’, ‘120.00’]#93887bOklabHSLRGB[‘0.79’, ‘0.01’, ‘0.02’][‘35.00’, ‘0.17’, ‘0.71’][‘190.00’, ‘180.00’, ‘170.00’]#c2b7a9OklabHSLRGB[‘0.84’, ‘0.00’, ‘0.01’][‘43.00’, ‘0.08’, ‘0.78’][‘200.00’, ‘200.00’, ‘190.00’]#cbc8c2OklabHSLRGB[‘0.53’, ‘0.01’, ‘0.02’][‘28.00’, ‘0.12’, ‘0.41’][‘120.00’, ‘100.00’, ‘92.00’]#74675cResults for “design”Searching forprogrammingidentifies the classic green terminal color along with other syntax highlighting palettes:OklabHSLRGB[‘0.60’, ‘0.18’, ‘0.04’][‘350.00’, ‘0.66’, ‘0.54’][‘220.00’, ‘62.00’, ‘95.00’]#d73e5fOklabHSLRGB[‘0.45’, ‘-0.02’, ‘-0.16’][‘220.00’, ‘0.70’, ‘0.40’][‘30.00’, ‘79.00’, ‘180.00’]#1e4eafOklabHSLRGB[‘0.76’, ‘-0.11’, ‘0.11’][‘93.00’, ‘0.49’, ‘0.56’][‘140.00’, ‘200.00’, ‘88.00’]#89c658OklabHSLRGB[‘0.77’, ‘0.05’, ‘0.11’][‘31.00’, ‘0.77’, ‘0.63’][‘230.00’, ‘160.00’, ‘86.00’]#e9a156Results for “programming”Finally,philosophyreturns pictures of books and statues, so the results are predictable and omitted:Results for “philosophy”Improving the sample sourceI’ve had some luck getting “better” results by searching for “book about {query}” and “book about {query} cover” expecting topical books to share color schemes, like the distinctive palettes O’Reilly uses in its programming books.I found Google Images to show less junk results but they have no API you can use without an account.Conclusions and notesAs expected, this doesn’t produce particularly mind blowing results since abstract concepts lack color association in general. Even if you have any type of vision synesthesia, the colors you see are usually unique for each person.To get back to the original motivation behind this experiment, which was associating post tags with colors: you can achieve this by clustering existing colors and for each new tag calculate dominant colors, and choose one that belongs to the smallest cluster. That way you can avoid common colors like black/white/blue/orange saturating your tag cloud.Sample codeimportdecimalimportitertoolsfromwand.imageimportImageimportnumpyasnpfromscipy.cluster.vqimportvq, kmeansimportcoloriowand_color_to_arr=lambdac: np.array([c.red_int8, c.green_int8, c.blue_int8])OKLAB=colorio.cs.OKLAB()color_abs=lambdav:0xFFifv>0xFFelsevifv>=0else0oklab_to_rgb255=lambdao: OKLAB.to_rgb255(o)rgb_to_hex=lambdargb:"#%s"%"".join(("%02x"%pforpinrgb))oklab_to_hex=lambdao: rgb_to_hex(map(color_abs,map(int, oklab_to_rgb255(o))))dec_ctx=decimal.Context(prec=2, rounding=decimal.ROUND_HALF_DOWN)arr_display=lambdaarr: ["%.2f"%dec_ctx.create_decimal_from_float(i)foriinarr]defimage_to_colors(img: Image):img.thumbnail(200,200)colors=set(cforrowinimgforcinrow)ret=[]forcincolors:ret.append(OKLAB.from_rgb255(wand_color_to_arr(c)))returnretclassBucket:def__init__(self, rep):self.rep=repself.colors=[]def__len__(self):returnlen(self.colors)defappend(self, color):self.colors.append(color)defdominant_colors(oks, n=20):_r, _=kmeans(oks,min(n,len(oks)))# sort dominant colors by cluster sizebuckets=[Bucket(rep)forrepin_r]_s, _=vq(oks, _r)foridx, cinenumerate(oks):bucket_idx=_s[idx]buckets[bucket_idx].append(c)buckets.sort(key=lambdab:len(b), reverse=True)return[b.repforbinbuckets]defmake_uniform_clusters(oks, n=20):defmake_grid(n=20):code_steps=np.linspace(-1.0,1.0, num=n)returnlist(itertools.product(code_steps, code_steps, code_steps))prod=make_grid(n)buckets=[Bucket(rep)forrepinprod]_r, _=vq(oks, prod)foridx, cinenumerate(oks):bucket_idx=_r[idx]buckets[bucket_idx].append(c)buckets.sort(key=lambdab:len(b), reverse=True)returnbuckets